Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

''Longitudinal Wave''
Understanding is a from of vibration waves that provagate in a wave propagating medium.On is the tuner,not substance instrumentality.One medium wave lengeth can be seen by calculating the distance between the vallyze the transversal wave or calculate the distance between a density with a singgle sprawl (longitudinal).Fast wave velocity is the distance traveled by a wavewhichat the time of one second.
=>Definition of longitudinal waves
Longitudinal waves are waves which propagate in the directions coincident with the direction of vibration on each part of the their this.Wave that accured in the from of density and sparwl example like slingki/spring on the side and then pull it off.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

d dunia ne gga dha manusia iank sempurna,m.lainkad Allah swt......
kta hrus b.syukur.........

Jumat, 02 April 2010

tersenyumlah sllalu........
krn senyuman ituh ibadah............
d saat quw m.rinduqandmuh,hnya bingkai ini yg bsa kuw lihat.....
saat quw b.sma muh quw mrsa b.hagia.......
quw gga bsa m.lupakand k.nangand'' yg p.rnah kta lalui b.smamuh....
inilah k.hidpandquw............
d saat t.indah dlm hdupquw..........
qau hrapandquw,v krg dmna k.bradaanmuh????
quw m.rindukandmuh........
jdiqand shlawat dan dzikir sbgi hari-harimuh............

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Nama Lengkap :Yulianti
kelas :XI Ipa 3
NIS :0809.10.403
TTL:Karawang,01 oktober 1993
Agama : islam
Jenis Kelamin :Perempuan
Alamat Rumah :Kp.Bojong Desa Mulyajaya Rt01/01 Kec.TelukJambe Barat-Karawang
No.HP :081906700646
E-mail :yuli_naffyhul@yahoo.co.id
Alamat Blog :http://yuli-naff.blogspot.com
Hoby :membaca
Riwayat Pendidikan
SD :SDN MulyaJaya III
SMP :SMP 4 TelukJambe Barat
SMA :SMAN 1 TelukJambe
Nama Ayah :Darsono
Pekerjaan Ayah :Wiraswasta
Nama Ibu :Ami
Pekerjaan Ibu :IRT
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